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8 September 2010, 16:33

Bashkir Muslims will receive special plastic cards on Uraza-Bayram

The forthcoming Muslim feast of Uraza-Bayram and the issue of the special plastic card on this occasion were under discussion during the press-conference in the news agency “Bashinform” with participation of the representatives of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB and JSC “AF Bank” today.
By the celebration of Uraza-Bayram the Clerical Muslim Dept RB prepared the gift for all Muslims of Bashkortostan. As it is known, there is a strict taboo on money-lending in Islam and Muslims aren’t righteous to take percents for the money, either deposited or lent. It is also prohibited to raise money at an interest and in this connection those people, who strictly follow the Islamic rules, face certain problems when using the bank’s services because the interest is charged on the deposits and one has to pay the interest rate on the credits too. The special system of the interest-free Islamic banking is available in many countries – in Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Great Britain and Canada but Russia never used such service before.
“Taking the numerous incoming requests of the Muslim believers we reached the decision to introduce the special Muslim plastic interest-free card in Bashkortostan” – the first deputy chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB Aup Bibarsov said – “The “AF Bank” was chosen for this work as the main card issuer. Today the bank issued the first series of the Muslim plastic cards. The peculiarity of the new card is that all bank deposits are interest-free and neither interest nor penalties are taken from the card holder”.
The President of “AF Bank” Aidar Zubairov explained the incoming means were accumulated on the special account. Thanks to it the Muslims can be sure their money will never been directed to investing of such spheres as production of drinks, prostitution, production of pork meat and gaming, strictly vetoed in Islam.
The owners of the new cards may pay for their housing and communal services, profiting by all services, available on the international plastic cards.
This service will undoubtedly face high demand among Muslim population RB. Now it is still used in just one way: the deposits of the card owners are interest-free but one still isn’t able to figure on the interest-free bank credits with the help of such card.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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