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30 August 2010, 15:56

The interregional internet teachers’ meeting starts working in Bashkiria

The traditional interregional internet teachers’ meeting is declared open in Bashkiria and this year it will be working till September 13. The main subject-matter of the virtual forum is professional development of pedagogues and as the rector of the Institute of education development RB Rustam Ishmukhametov said in his complimentary address, in this way the organizers of the forum hope to attract the attention of the pedagogical community to the problems of the professional progress of the teachers.
“Consolidation of all ideas occurs on this very portal” – he said – “And we are waiting for the interesting and constructive proposals on solution of any problems, existing in the sphere of education”.
More detailed information about themes and the program of work of the teachers’ virtual forum is available on the site of the Institute of education development RB.
At the same time the discussion site “The Teachers’ Meeting-2010” finished working on the site of the news agency “Bashinform” today and not only the representatives of the professional pedagogical community but ordinary internet users were among its participants. The questions, raised by our readers, were very different and here there are just some of them: establishment of the system of special correctional education for the children with the restricted physical abilities domiciliary in the region, preservation of the labor rates for the psychologists-speech therapists and social pedagogues at the educational institutions, teachers’ wages etc.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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