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18 August 2010, 17:12

Theaters of Ufa begin preparations for a new season

After a long-term summer rest the theaters of Ufa start working again. The Bashkir State Theater of opera and ballet, the State Academic Russian Dramatic Theater and the Ufa State Tatar Theater “NUR” already started preparations for a new theatrical season. The troupe of the National Youth Theater RB starts working tomorrow, August 19, and the Bashkir State Academic Dramatic Theater by Majit Gafuri – on August 23.
The news-service of the Russian Dramatic Theater reports the opening of the 149th season is appointed on the end of September. The Bashkir State Theater of opera and ballet will start its season on September 27 and the theater “NUR” – on September 28.
The opening of a new theatrical season at the Youth Theater will be marked with its participation in the international theatrical festival-laboratory “The Golden Turnip” in Samara. The Bashkir State Academic Dramatic Theater intends to begin the staging of a new performance under the guidance of the new producer from Saint-Petersburg.
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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