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17 August 2010, 15:02

“Bashinform” opens discussion site “Pedagogical forum-2010”

On the eve of the annual Republican pedagogical gathering the discussion site, devoted to the most actual problems in the education sphere, was opened on the site of the news agency “Bashinform”. This virtual pedagogical forum allows the ordinary internet users to tell about themselves and about the existing problems of a modern school.
Holding of the Teacher Year in 2010, the realization of the national educational initiative “Our New School”, introduction of a new labor remuneration system, aimed at the increase of the teacher’s incomes, realization of the requirements of the new federal education standard and discussion of the project of the new federal law “Education in Russian Federation” will become the main subject-matters.
The first comments already appeared on the site. Our editorial staff welcomes everybody to discuss the abovementioned themes and we are waiting for your opinions and judgments about other problems in the education system. The discussion forum will work on the “Bashinform” site till August 30, 2010, to the address:
Author:Ulay Magsumov
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