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2 August 2010, 12:50

The 130th anniversary of Majit Gafuri was celebrated In Ufa

On August 1 it was the 130th anniversary of the classic of Bashkir and Tatar literatures, the first national poet of Bashkortostan Majit Gafuri, born in the village Zilim-Karimovo (now Gafurisky region of Bashkortostan).
Solemn ceremony, devoted to this remarkable date, has taken place on the square in front of the Bashkir State Academic Theater, named after him as well as one of Bashkir regions. Representatives of public community, scientists, writers and journalists, representatives of the political parties and public movements, compatriots and relatives of the poet have taken place in it. The action was organized by the Culture Fund by Majit Gafuri and the ceremony was headed by the director of the fund – honorable culture employee RB, laureate of the awards of the Union of Journalists of the USSR and the Union of Journalists of Russia, laureate of the award by Majit Gafuri Madril Gafurov.
Author:Alfia Agliullina, Alik Shakirov
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