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26 July 2010, 17:46

Bashkir artists have taken part in the international opera festival in Istanbul

The artists of the Bashkir State Theater of opera and ballet – the soloist Rail Kuchukov and several choristers – have taken part in the First International Opera Festival in Istanbul. The forum was held in the capital of Turkey from July 2 within the frames of the Culture Year “Istanbul is the capital of European culture-2010”. The Bashkir artists were involved in demonstration of the opera “Keroglu”, staged upon the initiative of TURKSOY on the stage of the Congress HALIDGE Center.
It is necessary to mention that the opera “Keroglu” of the Azerbaijani composer Uzeir Gadgibeili was staged in 2009 by the Professor Aflatun Neimatzade. 250 opera singers from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan have taken part in this TURKSOY project. The opera has met high success on the stages of Bishkek, Alma-Ata, Ankara and Baku.
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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