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11 July 2010, 10:00

With the Day of Russian Post!

The Day of Russian Post is celebrated in Russia today. On this occasion, the President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated postal workers and veterans with their professional holiday. He said in particular:
"This is the anniversary year for the postal service of the Republic. 275 years ago, the Ruling Senate instituted regular postal communication on the territory of the region. The postal service has justly occupied a firm place in our daily life being the most available, popular and economic service.
Nowadays the team of many thousand workers of this sphere takes an active part in the federal and regional programs aimed at improvement in quality and efficiency of provision of public services on the basis of the latest IT technologies, including the electronic format. Over a thousand Internet access outlets located in post offices grant access to the world information resources.
The post performs one of the main social functions that is the delivery of pensions for most retirees, many of whom live in the countryside.
The role of the post in distribution of newspapers and magazines on subscription cannot be overestimated. It is no coincidence that Bashkortostan takes the leading place among the Russian regions by the number of newspapers and magazines per capita.
The potential of the sphere is also in high demand for more complete satisfaction of the population with services of loan companies. Basic banking operations are performed now in post offices, one can send and receive cash transfers, repay loans, community and other types of payments.
I am sure that postal workers of the republic will go on fulfilling honestly their responsible tasks.
I wish you strong health, wellbeing and happiness, success in your intensive work for the benefit of Bashkortostan and the whole Russia!
The President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov".
Author:Bashinform News Agency
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