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9 July 2010, 14:17

Representatives of Bashkortostan to take part in the All-Russian Youth Trade Union Forum

The 2010 Chkalovsk All-Russian Youth Trade Union Forum will take place in Moscow area on July 21-25. This event is timed to the 20th anniversary since the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia was founded.
Our republic will be represented by the team of the Federation of Bashkir Trade Unions including 15 activists of youth councils of trade unions. Representatives of Bashinformsvyaz OAO, Gazprom transgaz Ufa OOO, Gaz-service OAO, economists, doctors, students of the Bashkir State Medical University, postal workers and workers of housing and utilities sector are among them.
Organization of training sessions and master classes aimed at leadership and teamwork development are planned within the framework of the forum. The acquired knowledge will help young trade union activists both in their career and in public activity.
Nowadays Russian trade unions treat young people as a strategic resource and realize the youth policy oriented at protection of socio-economic interests of youth, attraction of the rising generation to active trade union activity. However, the fact that not all trade union organizations carry out this systematic and purposeful work weakens the inflow of new members, complicates the process of rejuvenation of trade union activists. That is why the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia decided to organize forums, where young people from all regions of the country can receive training on equal terms in order to liven up the work of trade unions in the region afterwards.
Author:Eugeny Rahimkulov
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