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30 June 2010, 14:00

The Bashkir State Teachers' Training University organized an open-air party for its entrants

The M.Akmulla Bashkir State Teachers' Training University organized a party named "The start of a student life" for its entrants. However, this time the management of the University decided to hold the holiday in an unusual format - it took place on the square in front of the second building of the University. Here future students could familiarize themselves with the University's history, achievements and opportunities. The chancellor of the BSTTU Rail Asadullin greeted young people and their parents who came here from all over the Republic.
"I am glad to see you on the threshold of our excellent University, on the threshold of your student life," he said. "The Bashkir State Teachers' Training University is the only pedagogical institution of higher education in Russia and Bashkortostan that has the international certificate of quality. It points to the fact that every student who starts to study at our University can continue his education in any other European educational institution at any time, because this is the way our educational programs are organized. However, one should not dream about foreign countries, as our University itself provides excellent education. The illustration if this is numerous victories of our students in different competitions."
Representatives of all 12 departments of the University answered questions of entrants and their parents. Students demonstrated what is in store for freshmen in September already. It will be studies, science, amateur art activities and sports.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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