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29 June 2010, 18:45

Problems of social rehabilitation of the minors released from the places of confinement were discussed in the Government of Bashkortostan

"Social rehabilitation of the minors released from the places of confinement is a very difficult task," Ildus Ilishev, the deputy Prime Minister of the RB Government, RB Minister for Culture and National Policy, said at the session of the Commission for cases of minors and protection of their rights. He mentioned that successful social adaptation of convicts after their release depends on many factors, including on whether they obtain a job or not.
"In present conditions, when job hunt is not easy even for a law-abiding citizen, it will be much more difficult for a minor, moreover a former convict, to solve this problem. Besides, it should be taken into account that for many of them it becomes even more complicated due to the necessity to find a place in a dormitory. Return to normal life and socialization of a convict is impossible without a shelter and means of support."
Victor Pestov, the head of Organization and Analytic Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service in Bashkortostan, said that administrations of correctional facilities correspond with internal affairs bodies, employment centres. With the help of social protection organs, they solve the problems of placement of minors into dormitories, pension benefits, placement of disabled and aged people into respective state social facilities, and so on.
According to Victor Vladimirovich, 98% of 7993 applications received from convicts on social problems got positive answers. Unsolved problems are mostly connected with job placement in prison and after the release, and also with the absence of necessary specialities and professional skills of convicts.
Among the problems named by Victor Pestov was reluctance of local authorities to take active part in rendering assistance to former prisoners.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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