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23 June 2010, 13:56

The All-Russian Contest of Projects on Healthy Lifestyle has started

The "Healthy Russia" All-Russian Contest of Projects on Healthy Lifestyle organized by the RF Ministry of Public Health and Social Development is announced. The contest is aimed to support initiatives on formation and promotion of healthy lifestyle, combine efforts of the state, municipalities, non-profit organizations, citizens, business enterprises and mass media for its popularization.
The most interesting projects will be included to the collection of the best experience on promotion of healthy lifestyle. The winners of the contest will be chosen in the following categories: "The Best Territorial Project", "The Best Corporate Project", "The Best Media Project", and "The Best Internet Project".
The projects will be assessed by the jury under the chairmanship of the RF Minister of Public Health and Social Development Tatiana Golikova. Names of the winners will be announced on the site of the contest on September 8, 2010. The awarding ceremony will take place within the framework of the All-Russian Forum "National Health is the Base of Wellbeing of Russia".
For participation in the contest, one must fill a special form on Only realized projects are admitted to the contest.
The deadline for filing of an application is July 15, 2010.
Author:Yulai Magsumov
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