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2 June 2010, 20:15

“Ural-Mono-2010” is the site for friendship and creation

One of the most expected events of this year starts in Ufa on June 3 – the international music fest of Turk youth “Ural Mono-2010” – the forum, which already become highly popular not just in Bashkortostan but far beyond its borders. As the organizers say, “Ural Mono-2010” will become a big creative site for cultural interchange and friendly intercourse of young people from several Turk countries and Russian regions.
“Representatives of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Crimea, Tuva, Khakassia, Tatarstan and many other regions have already confirmed their participation in our festival” – the General Director of the Republican Folk Art Center Bairas Ishberdin says – “More than 60 singers and folk groups in a whole”.
He has also mentioned that for the first time “Ural Mono” will be held within the frames of the federal program “The Culture of Russia” according to the plan of the Russian Ministry of culture and within the frames of the forthcoming III World Bashkir Kurultay
Bashkortostan will be represented at the XV festival “Ural Mono-2010” by Gulnur Karabulatova, Gulsarak Fazlaeva, Aidar Khamzin, Unir Saginbaev, the folk group “Caravansary” and the group “ARGYMAK”..
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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