news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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2 June 2010, 18:42

Ufa is one of the main pretenders for holding the Russian boxing championship in 2011

The first Vice-President of the Russian Boxing Federation Andre Danko and the Vice-President of the Russian Boxing Federation Dmitry Lunev have paid an acquaintance visit to Ufa. The guests had inspected the sport center of the Bashkir Boxing Federation and were pleasantly surprised.
“Speaking frankly I am impressed” – Andre Danko said – “Even the second Russian national team has no such conditions for training as you here have. The Olympic Games-2012 will take place in a year and your boxers have all chances to fight there”.
Along with the excursion the guests have raised the question concerning holding of the Russian boxing championship-2011 in Ufa.
“The meeting of the Russian Boxing Federation’s Presidium was held on May 31 and the question concerning holding of the national championship-2011 was raised there” – Andre Danko explained the situation – “Still only Ufa has officially expressed its desire to hold the championship, so your capital remains one of the main pretenders for this right. The matter is that the Russian boxing championship-2011 will most likely become the last elimination stage before the Olympic Games-2012, so we have to determine the best Russian boxers for the national team”.
The question concerning the city, where the tournament-2011 is to be held, will be finally solved after the Russian boxing championship-2010 in Saint-Petersburg, appointed on September.
Author:Dmitry Slezin
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