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17 May 2010, 17:22

The all-Russian children’s and youth art contest “Moscow-Agidel-Transit” is over

The creative competition, held within the frames of the international festival “The Wind Rose-2010”, was devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, to the Republic Year and to the 30th anniversary of the town of Agidel. It was organized by the children’s charitable fund “Art Festival-The Wind Rose”, the Ministry of culture and national politics RB and by the Agidel administration. It is worth mentioning the international children’s and youth art contest “The Wind Rose-2010” is included into the list of Olympiads and contests within the frames of the national project “Education”. During three days – from the 13th to the 15th of May – about 700 young talents, aged under 19, from Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Amur and Perm regions were demonstrating the art of choreography, vocal and instrumental music.
The Grand-Prix of the festival “The Wind Rose-2010” was given to the academic chorus group “KAMERTON” (Orenburg) and to the pop singer Vlada Latypova (Udmurtia).
Author:Lilia Zagitova
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