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30 April 2010, 16:32

Charitable action “BRIDGE Ufa-Cairo: from heart to heart” starts in Bashkortostan

The charitable action “BRIDGE Ufa-Cairo: from heart to heart” starts in Bashkortostan in the nearest future, initiated by the Charitable Fund by Kinza Arslanov. In the course of the action its participants will gather welfare for the students from our Republic, studying at the International Islamic University “Al-Azkhar” in Cairo.
“These students need both the welfare as well as new books, disks, maps – any illustrative sources and materials, concerned with life of our Republic and the country in a whole” – the Vice-President of the Fund by Kinza Arslanov Salavat Ulbarisov told to “Bashinform” – “So we intend to attract businessmen, public organizations and education institutions to the action”.
At present time about 50 students from Bashkortostan study at “Al-Azkhar” and as a rule all of them face two main problems: the first one is the lack of information about their motherland, since the majority of the students have no chance to watch Russian TV and Russian newspapers come to Egypt with several months delay. The second problem is financial difficulties. Education abroad isn’t cheap. The Clerical Muslim Dept RB renders certain but very moderate assistance plus some of them receive the University’s scholarships, also not high. The rest of the expenses, concerned with the staying abroad, lies either on the shoulders of the students themselves or on their parents. Because of that many students have to stop their education in Egypt on a half-way – that’s why it is practically impossible to meet the graduates of this University in our Republic, though the number of the people, wishing to study at “Al-Azkhar”, is rather high. Only five people in Bashkortostan own the diplomas of this University for today.
“Many students haven’t been at home for several years because of the shortage of means” – Salavat Ulbarisov tells – “We hope our action will help to solve all these problems. The students of “Al-Azkhar” are the future elite of our Muslim clergy and development of spiritual and cultural life of our Republic and spiritual health of our population – and that is more than 120 nationalities, inhabiting Bashkortostan – will in many respects depend on them, so their support both moral and material is of high importance. Further employment of “Al-Azkhar” graduates is no less than important and this problem should be solved now because in two-three years our students will begin returning home with the University’s diplomas”.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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