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14 April 2010, 17:01

Bashkortostan will join the all-national information campaign on prevention of cruel treatment of kids

The all-national information campaign on counteraction to cruel treatment of kids is initiated in 2010 by the Fund for support of the children, found in a difficult life’s situation.
“This campaign is aimed at the determination of understanding of inadmissibility of cruel treatment of kids in public consciousness, reduction of cases of violence and cruelty in Russian families. We want this campaign to contribute to development of a real help to Russian kids” – the chairman of the Fund Marina Gordeeva told in the course of the selector meeting, held on April 14.
Within the frames of the project the united helpline will be opened for the whole country. Besides, the interactive portal will be designed, the publicity campaign, various actions and broadcasting of social audio and video clips in the federal and regional TV-channels will be held. As Marina Gordeeva reported, the first lot of these materials will be delivered for the Russian regions before May 25.
Besides, the Fund will hold the contest “The city without cruelty to children” jointly with the Russian Association of small and medium towns.
Marina Gordeeva has said the problem of cruel treatment of kids is the all-national problem, which has to be solved by the whole society.
“The new project is not just a campaign and not the one-day deed but systematic and hard work, which should run all the time” – the ombudsman for children’s rights under the President of Russia Paul Astakhov added.
He has mentioned the threats to health and life of children arise in the environment, called to protect them – in Russian families. Children fr om the unfavorable families are found in the zone of the highest risk and cruelty in such families often remains unidentified. As a rule such families never ask for help as well as their children – they rarely inform the authorities about the cases of violence. Nobody is occupied with such families. The ombudsman suggests that special social and crisis centers should be opened in the country, wh ere everyone may seek help any moment.
“This task is quite real and necessary” – M-r Astakhov underscored – “We have to educate intolerance to violence in our society with respect to kids. If you don’t want to see this, turning away, you are becoming a companion in crime, perhaps not from the point of view of legislation but morally and ethically”.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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