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13 April 2010, 18:22

The absolute winner of the contest “Teacher of the Year RB-2010” teaches geography

The solemn awarding ceremony of the 20th contest “Teacher of the Year RB-2010” has taken place at the Bashkir State Academic Dramatic Theater by Majit Gafuri. During 10 days the best teachers of Bashkortostan were competing in the pedagogical mastery. 126 teachers of Bashkortostan, representing practically all regions and towns of the Republic, have taken part in the traditional contest of pedagogical mastery. The Minister of education RB Zinat Allayarov has said, welcoming all comers, in all times the teacher remains the heart and the soul of the education system: “This year is especially important for all of us, pedagogues” – he mentioned – “The Teacher Year, announced in Russia, and the X Congress of teachers RB, held within its frames, have once again emphasized the high public responsibility and the role of pedagogues in our society”.
Congratulating all participants of the contest the deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB, Minister of culture and national politics RB Ildus Ilishev said Republic of Bashkortostan always paid high attention to support of our pedagogues.
“There are many evidences to that” – he said – “For example, no other Russian region in the country holds special competitions for the teachers-philologists. Besides, all finalists of the contest will be rewarded with the rank “Honorable teacher RB” and material remunerations. Along with the absolute winner we’ve called the names of the best teachers of Russian language and literature and Tatar language and literature. The interregional contest for the rank of the best teacher of Bashkir language and literature has taken place in Ufa not long ago. Besides, the Government RB allocates 50 grants for the teachers-philologists every year”.
After that Ildus Ilishev announced the name of the absolute winner of the contest “The Teacher of the Year RB-2010” – the teacher of geography at the secondary general education school in the village VOSKRESENKA, Duvansky region RB, Olga Tryaskina. She works at the school for already 17 years and the theme of the innovational project, introduced by her to the contest’s jury was “Formation of social competence of a personality at rural schools”. Olga Tryaskina will represent Bashkortostan at the all-Russian contest of pedagogical mastery in 2011.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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