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7 April 2010, 12:57

Today is the World Health Day

The World Health Day is marked on the day of foundation of the World Health Organization – on April 7, 1948. Since then holding of the Health Day every year has become a good tradition and its goal is to show the mankind to what extent health is important in everyday life. Every year this date is devoted to some global problems the world health service faces and is held under different slogans.
In 2010 the World Health Organization determined the theme, devoted to the problem of health and urbanization and this choice was made because of that great influence urbanization exerted on human health at the global scale.
Urbanization is considered one of the most serious challenges for the world health protection. Since 2007 more than a half of the world population live in the cities and every year the number of urban citizens grows up.
In spite of the presence of serious threats for the health of urban population, the general picture is far fr om cheerless. The positive attitude to the urban health protection isn’t lim ited with the role and obligations of the authority but presumes the endowment the society itself is able to make.
The World Health Day gives a chance to encourage the governments and the citizens to recovery of the planet’s big cities and for this purpose the World Health Organizations holds the global action in 2010, called “1000 cities – 1000 lives” and within the frames of this campaign various actions will be organized all over the world. Thus, all cities of the world are offered to open free public places for holding various recovery arrangements. These arrangements can be held in the parks, in local administrations and it can be, for example, the scavenging campaigns.
The campaign “1000 cities – 1000 lives” will become a platform for uniting of the municipal authorities, different public groups and persons around the main goal – health provision, as the World Health Organization believes. It will give people a chance to experience pleasure from physical exercises, music and staying in the open air with friends and neighbors.
It should be added the Ministry of health protection RB takes an active part in the arrangements within the frames of the World Health Day. Thus, the action “Check Your Arterial Pressure” starts in all towns and regions of Bashkortostan today and in the course of this action it is planned to check the arterial pressure of all citizens RB.
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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