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2 March 2010, 16:41

The National Library RB actively introduces new information technologies

Along with many large organizations, industrial enterprises, medical and social institutions the National Library RB actively introduce new information technologies in its everyday activity.
“The world doesn’t stand idle and both people and technologies are changing. Keeping up to date is in our interests” – the director of the National Library RB Azat Ibragimov says – “it is said in the annual Message of the President RB to the State Council RB that “every year we have to augment our resources, create and use new technologies and approaches – this is the essence of the process of modernization in the Republic. Its success is possible only when consolidating the efforts of the state and the society”.
According to Azat Ibragimov all four blocks of the library work in the modern automated library-information system “RUSLAN”. The library’s employees are working over development of the new official site of the National Library RB ( With the help of the new site the user in any spot of the world may easily access the e-catalogue of the library.
Besides, the National Library launched the project “Mars” (the interregional analytical articles inventory). Thanks to it the information about materials in the Republican press will be available far beyond Bashkortostan.
One more innovation, which is to be put into exploitation in 2010, is introduction of the automated book distribution. It should be noted that all that is done by the employees of the library’s IT-center. In September 2009 several young employees of the library have passed the advanced training courses at the Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University within the frames of the project “IT for reorganization of the library processes”.
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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