news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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17 February 2010, 16:24

Bashkortostan joined the list of Russian regions with registered natality

The birth rate in Russia increased by 2,9%, the death rate decreased by 3%, the natural decline in population reduced by 31,1% and infant mortality reduced by 3,5%, the Minister of health protection and social development RF Tatiana Golikova reported to Russian Government. The shorthand report of her speech is placed on the official site of the Ministry.
Reporting to the Chairman of Russian Government Vladimir Putin about demographic situation in the country Tatiana Golikova said the natality was registered in 35 Russian regions.
“If comparing with 2008 there were 21 such regions that time. In 2009 Krasnoyarsk region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Udmurt Republic and Tomsk region joined the regions with the registered natality” – she said.
As the news-agency “Bashinform” already reported, 55720 babies have been born in Bashkortostan in 2009 – 1227 kids more than in 2008. The index of birth rate increased up to 13,7 pro mil. The death rate reduced by 3,6%. The index of infant death rate made 7 per 1000 kids born alive, i.e. by 25,5% lower than in 2008 and by 14% lower than in Russia in a whole.
Author:Elena Makushina
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