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3 February 2010, 11:57

The Bashkir State Agriculture University won the prize in the All-Russian Health Sports Contest

The 1st All-Russian Health Sports Contest among the teaching stuff of the Russian agriculture universities has finished in Saratov State Agriculture University. The Bashkir State Agriculture University defended the sports honour of our republic and took the second place in the contest. The chancellor of the University Ildar Gabitov and the first vice-chancellor Mars Farkhshatov were in the team of the BSAU.
According to the University's press service, the teams participating in the Sports Contest numbered 23 in all. They competed in 8 disciplines, such as indoor soccer, volleyball, table tennis, swimming, ski race, chess, darts and shooting. Our sportsmen-lecturers took the second place in ski race, shooting and swimming and the third place - in chess and darts.
All the participants enjoyed the event and demonstrated a strong sports character and will to victory.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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