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28 December 2009, 15:04

Lapwing is the Bird of 2010

Every year the Bird Protection Uni on of Russia chooses the bird of the year. The selected species is in the limelight throughout the year. Data on the population and the environment of the sel ected species is collected and updated. Lapwing is chosen the bird of 2010.
Lapwing is a conspicuous bird. Many of us have seen it and know how it looks like. Its colour is black-and-white, and it has a typical cop on its head. Lapwings have the size of a crow.
Lapwing is a usual bird in our country. However, conditions in our country are unfavourable for it now. In many regions of our country, these birds build their nests on the territory of farmlands and greatly depend on human activity. Agricultural distress in Non-Black Sole Area had an adverse effect on population of lapwing.
These birds feel freely in Bashkortostan. According to Victor Valuev, a famous ornithologist, there are about 100 thousand nesting birds in the republic now. It is 50 thousand bird couples. Lapwings are most widely distributed in the Cis-Ural region. However, they are also found near cities. Scientists note "virtuosity" of their flight. They are able to perform such tumbles high up in the air that are absolutely impossible for other birds.
In the Year of Lapwing, the Bird Protection Union of Russia will apply every effort to calculate its population and to promote the protection of this species among the population and primarily hunters.
Author:Galiya Nabieva
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