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14 December 2009, 11:26

Akmullah is the singer of light and good

December 14 is the special day in history of Bashkortostan, having historical and international importance. This is the birthday of the great son of Bashkir nation Miftahetdin Akmullah, well-known in the Turk world as a really national poet, who from one side continued the best traditions of oral and written Eastern poetry and from another side enriched it with new ideas and with the spirit of enlightenment. His invaluable creative heritage determines by itself the whole epoch in history of literature and world view not just for Bashkortostan at the end of XIX century but for all Turk nations of Russia.
Miftahetdin Akmullah was born on December 14, 1831 in the village TUKSANBAY, former Orenburg province and MIAKINSKY region of Bashkortostan now. According to the archive data his father was a village mullah Kamaletdin Ishkuza-uly and his mother – Bibiummgulsumm Salimyan-kyzy, both the Bashkirs of the min-clan. The future poet received the primary education in his native village and further he studied in the madrasahs of nearby villages. Wandering among Bashkirs and Kazakhs he taught children, was busy with various crafts and participated in the national Turk competitions of Bashkir and Kazakh narrators. He became famous as a talented poet-improviser. He preached enlightener ideas, wisdom, justice and humanism. Being the master of political satire Akmullah ridiculed ignorance of local mullahs and unmasked tyranny and illegality of authorities. At the end of 80s of the XIX century he finished his famous “The elegy in the memory about Shigabutdin Mardjani”, in which he expressed his ideas in sphere of education. He was the first poet after Salavat Ulaev who addressed himself to his nation with the words “My Bashkirs!”, urging them to master new knowledge. His poem “Exhortations” has become an essential achievement of the national poetry and Bashkir public and philosophical ideas in the second half of the XIX century.
The poet died on October 10 (22), 1895, near the railway station SYROSTAN near the town of ZLATOUST. He was buried at the Muslim cemetery in the town of Miass.
Akmullah had created the original poetic school and played very important role in development of Bashkir language and literature. His creation exerted great influence upon development of Kazakh, Tatar and other Turk cultures. After many decades Akmullah remains the Teacher for Bashkirs and they turn to his spiritual heritage again and again. Akmullah was the first poet in the Turk world, who declared the ideas of enlightenment. Bashkirs don’t forget their great poet. Thus, the Museum of Miftahetdin Akmullah was opened in the village TUKSANBAY – the Motherland of the poet. The award by M. Akmullah was established in 1989. In 2007 the Bashkir State Pedagogical University was named after him.
Author:Ravil Ramazanov
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