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26 November 2009, 17:50

16 large families became owners of "Gazel" vans

The republican celebration of Mother's Day took place in Ufa.
Mother's Day is traditionally celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of November. Festive events started in Bashkortostan before the official date.
"It is inexhaustible kindness and generosity of a mother's heart that protect us fr om misfortunes throughout our life, bring us hope and confidence," the RB President Murtaza Rakhimov said at the event, which took place in Congress Hall.
Constantine Tolkachev, the Chairman of the RB State Assembly, Fidus Yamaltdinov, the deputy Prime Minister of the RB Government, Minister for Labour and Social Protection RB and Paul Kachkaev, the head of Ufa administration were also present at the occasion.
The fact that many mothers do not only manage to bring up children and solve household problems, but also reach success in different professional spheres attract our special respect, the President pointed out.
He also said that great attention is paid now at the federal level to the problems of maternity, social protection of a family, children's up bringing. Help and social protection of families with many children takes a special position in the policy of our republic. The Republican law about the state support of large families and the President's decrees instituted a number of benefits and allowances which are not in use in many other regions of the country.
In 1998, the tradition of awarding mothers with many children with Medals of Maternal Glory that was lost with the collapse of the Soviet Union was restored. More that 4600 women have been already awarded with this medal.
The republican authorities pay great attention to improvement of housing conditions of large families. From this year on certain categories of large families receive certificates for social payments meant for the purchase of accommodation. 25 families with many children have already received these certificates for the total sum of 50 million roubles.
It is especially pleasant to make present on holidays. Mother's Day was no exception. The RB President presented keys from "Gazel" vans to 16 large families bringing up 9 and more children.
It needs to mention that since 2001 twenty-four families with 10 and more children aged up to 18 years of age became owners of "Gazel" vans. And since January 1, 2009 this right was also given to families wh ere there are 9 and more under-age children.
Within the framework of the festive event, Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated the winners of the 3d Republican Contest of Guardians and Foster Families 2009. It needs to mention that orphaned children are always in the limelight of authorities. There are 3345 adopted children in our republic now, 13 660 of them are brought up by guardians and trustees, 2548 children live in foster families and 718 children are in patronate families. Owing to this, the number of inmates of children's homes has fallen by half. But it is not enough as the President pointed out.
"Thousands more children still dream of a family hearth and motherly love," he said.
All these women have a simple recipe of female happiness. It is love and care for their children, and they will be the most obedient and diligent.
A festive concert in honour of mothers is a good tradition. Flowers, sweet presents, words of gratitude, songs and dances are all meant for theses women. And for many of them this event is a good opportunity to share impressions and tell about their very best children.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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