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20 November 2009, 18:44

Postal workers brought happiness to children

The World Day of a Child is celebrated on November 20 on the initiative of the United Nations Organization. It is devoted to the activity aimed at provision of well-being of children all over the world. It is no secret that many children are deprived of parental care and attention. Thus in the beginning of November the charitable action titled "Bring happiness to children" was announced by the Directorate of the Federal Postal Service for RB. In the course of three weeks, all postal workers of the republic collected books, toys, notebooks, albums, watercolours, and felt pens for children reguiting help.
No one thought that this action would find such a broad response. It is well known that wages of postal workers are not high. Nevertheless, thousands of mail carriers, operators and other workers rose to the challenge of helping children and collected many necessary things, which were given today to children's homes, social shelters and specialized children's boarding schools.
"We hope that in many years, when our inmates will grow up and have their own families and children, they will be able to give them the same kindness and warmth that we all got today as a present," Lubov Fakova, the director of Zhuravushka, the Centre of Psychological and Pedagogic Correction and Rehabilitation, summed up.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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