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10 November 2009, 18:04

November 10 is the World Youth Day

November 10 is the World Youth Day. The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) was founded on this day on the World Youth Conference that took place in London in 1945. This is a youth association uniting young people fr om different countries irrespectively of their political and religious views, ethnicity and nationality. Since that time, this date has been celebrated all over the world as the World Youth Day. The WFDY is fighting for piece, rights of the new generation, independence of nations, and international unity of progressive youth. It is struggling against colonialism, racism and fascism.
2009 is a special year for young people in our country: according to the Decree of the President, it was declared the Youth Year. In our republic, it is the Year of support and development of youth leads. It needs to mention, that special attention is always paid to youth in Bashkortostan. In 2000, it was our republic wh ere the Youth Year was held for the first time.
Besides, our region was the first to adopt the law "About state youth policy in the Republic of Bashkortostan". That is why the system of state youth policy in our republic has a solid legal framework and effective methods of its realization. There are elaborated laws about state youth policy, support of young families, activity of children's, teenage and youth clubs and centres. Youth of Bashkortostan Presidential Program and the republican program of state support of young families are realized. There is a Youth Public Chamber.
It is not the solution of one-time problems, but creation of conditions for self-realization of a young person that is the principal task of youth policy. State youth awards in literature, art and architecture established in 1995, additional scholarships for the best students, programs and projects aimed at development of youth entrepreneurship and support of working young people also serve as evidence of this policy.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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