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10 November 2009, 11:32

Acceptance of applications for Face to Face Award has nearly ended

Competition for Public city business award "Face to Face" will take place in Ufa for the fourth time. The Public Fund of City Development founded this award in 2006 for support of people who do much for prosperity and development of Ufa and its residents and offer new useful ideas fro their further realization.
The prize is awarded annually on competition basis. It has the following categories: "Ufa is a comfortable city", "Ufa is a city with growing population", "Ufa is a rich and developed city", "Ufa is a city of high scientific, cultural and sports achievements", "Ufa is a big administrative centre", "Public recognition for services to the city".
174 residents of Ufa have already participated in the competition for the period the Award exists, 53 of them have become the prizewinners, 20 nominees have received the Sign of Special Confidence, 30 winners have been honoured with Man of Action Award with money certificate for realization of their own project. The total number of projects realized over the past period comes to 50.
Winners in every category are given the title of a prizewinner of Face to Face Public City Business Award and a diploma with money certificate.
Documents for the competition are accepted until December 13. The Face to Face awarding ceremony is appointed for December 18. It will take place in Ufa Administration.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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