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9 November 2009, 11:14

Bashkir Tourist Industry Union will be established in Ufa

The constituent congress of the Bashkir Tourist Industry Union will be held on November 10 in the Trade-Union House, Ufa. For the first time the question concerning establishment of this union was raised at the field meeting of the Collegium of Ministry of youth policy, sport and tourism RB, held in August in Burziansky region RB.
The staff of the workgroup on establishment of the union includes representatives of Ministry of youth policy, sport and tourism RB, Ufa institutes, tourist companies and others.
The main tasks of the public community will be regulation of the tourist service market, advancement of tourist capacities in the region and creation of the common tourist brand for Bashkortostan.
It is expected more than 500 tourist organizations, organizations in sphere of hotel business, sanatorium-and-spa complex and transport and insurance companies, educational institutions, regional tourist associations and mass-media will join the Bashkir Tourist Industry Union.
The main directions of the Union’s activity will be attraction of investments for development of local tourist infrastructure, popularization of Bashkir tourism both in external and internal markets etc.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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