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23 October 2009, 13:03

Republican Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund: residents of Russian regions prefer to get treatment in Bashkortostan

People of other Russian regions are getting to seek medical advice in medical institutions of Bashkir compulsory medical insurance (CMI) system more and more often. This is evidenced by the sums of payments for the rendered medical services arriving in accounts of the Republican Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (RCMIF).
According to RCMIF, for nine months of 2009 the republican hospitals have earned extra 188.9 million roubles for treatment of patient from other Russian regions. For the same period of 2008, preventive and treatment facilities of Bashkortostan got 89.9 million roubles.
Citizens insured in our republic prefer to get medical assistance at the place of residence - the invoice amount for medical services rendered outside Bashkortostan is 2.2 times less. 84.6 million roubles is transferred to medical institutions of other regions for nine months of the current year.
RCMIF reminded that in accordance with the Russian legislation holders of CMI policy have a right to get free medic assistance all over the Russian Federation. The payment for medical services rendered to residents of other Russian regions is made by mutual settlement of accounts between regional funds of compulsory insurance.
Author:Elena Makushina
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