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22 October 2009, 16:16

Activity of the international terrorist organization “Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami” is stopped in Bashkortostan

The officers of Russian FSS in Republic of Bashkortostan, the Center on counteraction to extremism of Russian Ministry of internal affairs in RB and the Inquiry Committee under the Office of Public Prosecutor in RB stopped the activity of the cells of the international terrorist organization “Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami” (the Party of Islamic Liberation) on the territory of Bashkortostan. The activity of this organization was declared terrorist and prohibited in Russian Federation by the Supreme Court RF on February 14, 2003.
In the course of joint research arrangements the officers of law-enforcement bodies managed to disclose the activity of the international terrorist organization in the town of Durtuli and in Ufa.
It is proved the members of the organization were engaged in active propaganda among local population, recruited citizens of Bashkortostan for participation in the activity of this organization and formed secret cells. During the secret meetings, held by the organization, the members of these sells were discussing the possibility to alter the existing political and state system of Russia with the purpose to include separate regions of the country into the so-called “World Islamic Caliphate” both with the help of propaganda and with the help of violent acts – using “the armed jihad” (the war with those who resist the dictatorship of the caliphate).
On October 22, 2009, the great number of agitation and propaganda materials – journals, brochures, leaflets and video, admitted the extremist materials by the court decisions – was seized during the searches in Ufa and Durtuli.
On the base of the seized materials the Inquiry Committee under the Office of Public Prosecutor RB brought the action against the members of the organization (extremist activity organization).
The operative arrangements are going on.
The international terrorist organization “Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami” is an international Islamic structure, established in Jordan in 1952. Its activity is prohibited by the law in several European countries, some countries of the Middle East and CIS (Germany, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan etc). The activity of this organization is prohibited by the decision of the Supreme Court RF on February 14, 2003. The regional centers of the organization are located in the Great Britain (London), in Turkey (Istanbul), India, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Malaysia and Indonesia. The most active cells of the organization work on the territory of Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, ran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan and Tunis and also in some CIS countries.
Author:Alim Faizov
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