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8 October 2009, 18:41

Muhamet Harrasov: legal science is the foundation of fair state and civil society

The international research and practice conference "Topical problems of development of legal science and practice in modern conditions" continues its work in Ufa. Its organizers are the Bashkir State University (BSU) and Institute of Law of the BSU with the assistance of the Federal Education Agency RF. On October 8, the plenary session takes place in the House of State Assembly RB. State Assembly deputies, legal scholars and public members will participate in it.
The scientific forum is devoted to the centenary of the BSU and the 60th anniversary of legal education in Bashkortostan. In his opening speech, Muhamet Harrasov noted that origination and development of higher professional education in Bashkortostan is inseparably connected with the Bashkir State University, history of which begins with the opening of Ufa Teacher's Institute on July 1 of 1909.
Celebration of the centenary of the BSU concurs with the 60th anniversary of legal education in Bashkortostan. The branch of the All-union Correspondence Juridical Institute was opened in Ufa on October 9 in 1949. In 1964, it was reorganized into Ufa department of Sverdlovsk Juridical Institute. In 1972, it became a part of the BSU as a law department, which is now Institute of law of the BSU.
"The importance of legal science and education for our republic and Russia in whole can not be overestimated - the chancellor of the BSU said - "It is a foundation of fair jural state and civil society. Improvement of the quality of life, development of personality, state and society, political system, strengthening of law and order, prevention of crime and corruption are still very urgent issues".
According to Mr Harrasov, all these questions need to be considered scientifically for the creation of theoretical foundation, which will serve as a guarantee of successful practice. That is why such important questions as protection of human constitutional rights in modern Russia, anti-corruption activity as a priority task of state and society, problems of exercise of rights for intellectual property, dealing with legal nihilism, raise of legal consciousness in society and others were brought up for discussion.
Another issue that is rather important in modern conditions is quality increase of legal personnel training. According to expert opinion, the problem of legal education must become a subject of intensive scientific research. Consideration of these questions on the all-Russian and international levels will contribute to solving those important tasks that face legal science and practice.
Author:Liya Nagimova
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