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8 October 2009, 12:16

Modern methods are widely applied in health care system of Bashkortostan

Modern medical, diagnostic, organizational, and information technologies are ever more widely used in health care system of Bashkortostan. For example, the Internet-system of monitoring of pregnant women of risk groups, that was put into practise in the Republican Perinatal Centre, became the prize-winner of the contest "Best goods and services of Bashkortostan". According to Ministry of Health, the preparation for participation in the similar federal contest is going on.
There are 17 telehealth centres in the republic. In April of 2009, the Centre of specialized kind of medical aid - Telehealth - opened in the Republican Clinical Hospital n.a. G. Kuvatov. By the end of the year, telehealth cabinets will start to work in the Republican Cardiologic Dispensary and municipal health care institutions.
Systematic work on introduction of the project "Social map of Bashkortostan" is going on. It includes personalized record-keeping of benefits and medical services granted to residents of our republic. The project will help to establish control over efficiency of expenditure of budget means and ensure high-level organization of pharmacological support of the population.
Author:Elena Makushina
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