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2 October 2009, 13:13

Social security fund increases expenses on improvement of children's health

In the first six months of 2009, the expenses of Bashkir branch of the Social security fund RF on health improvement of children of insured citizens amount to 348.5 million roubles.
It needs to mention that since 2005 the amount of finance budgeted for these purposes has increased twice and this year it comes to 595 million roubles that is 11.4% up on the previous year. Alongside with the growth of amount of allocated funds the number of children taking part in health promotion program is also growing. While in 2007 their number came to 166.5 thousand, in 2008 it increased up to 168 thousand.
According to the manager of Bashkir branch of the Social security fund Marat Latypov, this year work on providing rest and health improvement of children is carried out in three principal directions: out-of-town camps, health resort treatment, day camps.
According to the results of the first half of the year, 111 thousand children have had a rest and improved their health in these camps.
The work of the Fund on health improvement of children will go on in the second half of 2009; the total number of children participating in this program must be over 169 thousand.
Since next year, there are going to be changes in social security system - financing of children's rest will be from regional budget recourses of RF regions.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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