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2 October 2009, 12:07

Family arrangement of orphaned children was discussed in Ufa

The results of the first open research and practise conference devoted to "Problems of family arrangement of orphaned children and children without parental care: experience, problems, prospects" were announced at the press conference in mayor's office.
The participants of the conference were representatives of state authorities RF and RB, local authorities, public organizations, experts in the sphere of family arrangement of orphaned children and children without parental care fr om Moscow and St. Petersburg, specialists from guardianship and wardship authorities, from health and educational institutions, Internal Affairs Directorate and others. The geography of participants was rather broad: there were specialists from Moscow and Moscow region, Volgograd, Kaluga, Ivanovo, Orenburg, Tumen regions, Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets autonomous areas, Khabarovsk and Stavropol territories, republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan and other regions. The participants numbered more than 200 in all.
They discussed the most urgent problems of social orphanhood, protection of rights of orphaned children and children without parental care. Besides, the participants considered Russian and foreign approaches to family arrangement of orphaned children, modern innovative methods of prevention, rehabilitation and adjustment of social orphans and families in a difficult life situation.
The participants and mass media representatives will also visit the Bashkir republican children's home N1 n.a. Shagit Khudaiberdin, wh ere on October 2 the annual city contest of guardians and foster parents "The best foster family of the capital of Bashkortostan-2009" will take place.
As a tradition, the contest is held in three categories: "The best tutorial family", "The best foster family", and "The best patronate family". The participating families number 13 in all. The winners will be awarded with prizes of the head of Ufa administration.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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