news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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1 October 2009, 11:17

Festive event devoted to the Day of elderly people will take place in Ufa

On October 2 a festive event will be organized for the parents of those who died in local armed conflicts, soldiers-internationalists, members of the Baskir republican organization "Batyr" and Bashkir republican division of the All-Russian public organization of veterans "Combat brotherhood". It will take place in the Republican centre of social and psychological assistance to family, children and youngsters and it is timed to the Day of elderly people.
The event will include congratulations of authorities, state organs and veterans of hostilities and a training session "Joy of old age". There will be a tea party at the end of the evening.
This event is aimed at providing psychological assistance for the members of the dead in hostilities and creation of leisure activities for this category of people.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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