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18 September 2009, 12:24

Eduard Yuldashev: Journalists should be in advance guard

Today the conference hall of the Ufa Press house has a festive and at the same time working atmosphere. Here VI republican festival of young journalists, which assembled representatives of many regional, city and republican publications, takes place. It is a good opportunity for them not only to find something new for themselves but also to communicate with friends and make contacts with colleagues.
"It is a pleasure to see young and enthusiastic faces here. Profession of a journalist is a synonym to youth, because a journalist always stays young regardless of age" - the head of Administration for press, publishing and printing industry under RB Government Eduard Yuldashev said in his opening speech - "The young today are to fulfil requirements of innovations and promoting of new ideas. You are a connecting link between people and authorities and you should be in advance guard because your activity is aimed at public education."
Eduard Yuldashev wished participants of the festival creative success, fruitful initiatives and aspiration for innovations.
The chairman of the Bashkir journalists' union Farit Akhmadiev became a leader of a discussion club "What newspaper is preferable for a reader?". Professors of the Bashkir state University Timergali Kilmukhametov and Valery Pugachev, the editor of "The Youth newspaper" Yaroslava Goloborodko, representatives of "The Yeshlek" and "The Omet" newspapers and journalists of regional publications took part in the discussion club.
Farit Akhmadiev noted that interest for periodical press is currently going down that adversely affects subscription results. Why is it happening? Maybe our newspapers are not interesting enough, the ways of material presentation is getting out of time or there may be another reason. Participants of the discussion tried to answer these and many other questions expressing at the same time their understanding of journalistic activity.
Professor Timergali Kilmukhametov thinks that regional newspapers should write more about working people and life of common toilers, who make the bulk of readers. Even criticism, in his opinion, should be positive.
Farid Akhmadiev called young journalists not to confine themselves only to publications they are working for but also to open up the field of republican press, to master new genres and to work to improve themselves.
Professor Valery Pugachev, a brilliant journalist and a pedagogue, who brought up many generations of journalists, expressed his opinion on the problems of modern journalism. He considers that traditional periodical press has two competitors - the Internet which lacks unambiguousness, and glossy magazines, which imitate journalism but represent actually the façade of sales industry. They impose on a reader the way of how one should live to become successful but do not teach to anything good.
The discussion of these and many other things went on during master classes that were held by representatives of republican youth newspapers. The deputy head of Administration for press, publishing and printing industry under RB Government Arthur Idelbaev organized design master class.
VI republican festival of young journalists will continue to work in the recreation centre "Tan"
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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