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16 September 2009, 18:41

Problems of spread of HIV infection were discussed at the meeting of inter-departmental commission

At the present time the infection caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection) is one of urgent and socially important diseases. Russia is one of the leaders by the rate of advance of the epidemic among the Eastern European countries. High rates of epidemic growth found their reflection in our republic, too. The ways to resist the epidemic were discussed at the meeting of inter-departmental commission on prevention of HIV infection spread in Bashkortostan.
"HIV infection is not only a medical problem" - the deputy Prime-Minister, Minister of labour and social safety RB Fidus Yamaltdinov said - "It is a political, economic, demographic and social problem, which concerns equally authorities, law-enforcement agencies, mass media, educational system, the public."
At present spread of HIV infection is going on due to drug addiction problem and the growing number of people with sexually transmitted HIV infection.
Bashkortostan finds its place among those regions where the average level of prevalence of HIV infection is registered. According to head doctor of Republican Centre of prevention and fighting AIDS and infectious diseases Rafael Yapparov, starting from 1987 there were 9088 HIV infected people registered, 1368 people died. "HIV infection affects people of the working age, which is 95% of the total number of the infected. Taking into account incurable character of the disease, our country suffers great irreparable economic harm" - Rafael Yapparov said.
On the meeting, the inter-departmental commission discussed questions regarding carrying out of events of the national project "Health", considered the present situation with HIV infection, worked out additional measures on fighting HIV infection spread. In the coming two weeks, the commission's members are to consider a work plan for 2010 on fighting HIV infection spread that they were given for consideration and to make corrections and additions if necessary.
Author:Elena Makushina
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