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26 June 2009, 13:12

Scientists from Ufa participating in Moscow conference “Pancreatic diabetes: it’s time to act”

Scientific-practical conference “Pancreatic diabetes: it’s time to act” starts working in Moscow today and scientists of Moscow Medical Academy chair of endocrinology and leading doctors from Ufa, Kazan, Nizhniy Novgorod, Perm and Izhevsk will take part in its work.
According to medical forecasts by 2025 380 million people will suffer from diabetes. Two million and half people, suffered from pancreatic diabetes, are officially registered in Russia but in reality this number is three-four times more because 75% don’t suspect of the presence of this illness. Medics consider the situation with pancreatic diabetes diagnostics in Russia really catastrophic and about 20% of Russian health protection budget is spent for treatment of this illness and more than 90% of this means is spent for treatment of diabetes complications. The program “Improve”, initiated by the world leader on diabetes treatment, the pharmaceutical company “Novo Nordisk”, started in Russia in 2007 and the majority of Russian regions joined it.
The conference’s steering committee reports the innovational preparation “liraglutid”, which registration started in Russia and Europe after successful clinical tests, will be introduced to participants of the forum. This preparation is approved by EMEA and experts say it will become the revolution in treatment of pancreatic diabetes of the second type because it demonstrates several crucial advantages.
Author:Alim Faizov
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