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24 June 2009, 11:17

Neurosurgery elite gathered in Ufa

The V congress of neurosurgeons RF is held in Ufa and more than 600 doctors from CIS and non-CIS countries are taking part in its work. “The main goal of the forum is to define the key challenges and future prospects in development of neurosurgery” – Minister of health protection RB Andre Evsukov said. One of the key challenges Russian neurosurgery faces today is realization of the federal program on struggle with cardiovascular diseases and qualified personnel’s training, as the Director of the scientific-research neurosurgery Institute by N.N. Burdenko, Academician Alexander Konovalov said. As he reported, in accordance with the federal program 12 regional vascular centers were opened in the country in 2008 and one of such centers was opened in Bashkortostan. Other 12 high-tech centers will be opened this year. “Unfortunately excellent prospects of our neurosurgeons often discord with the primitive conditions in our clinics” – Konovalov said – “But I am sure that in Bashkortostan thanks to personal assistance of President RB Murtaza Rakhimov Russian neurosurgical service will achieve magnificent results”.
Author:Elena Makushina
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