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15 April 2009, 15:13

XVII Republican action “Jobs for Youngsters!” started in Ufa

Republican youthful action “Jobs for Youngsters!” started in Ufa. Its main goal is shortening of unemployment among young people. As the initiators of the action convince, thanks to such actions rather high percent of youngsters manage to find jobs. More than 50 local enterprises introduced their vacancies at the fair: managers, traders, book-keepers, marketing specialists, promoters, drivers, sellers, social workers, pedagogues and operators - this is far from the full list of vacancies, offered by employers. Senior students and graduates, still having not enough experience on their specialties, form the absolute majority of the visitors at the fair of vacancies.
“In 2008 more than 46 thousand young people have taken part in the action” – the director of the Republican center for assistance to youth employment Gullaria Yalchikaeva reports – “According to our forecasts the number of youngsters in 2009 is expected to be much higher, since job cuts are observed everywhere, so such actions become necessary as never before”.
The action “Jobs for Youngsters!” will be held in all regions and towns of Bashkortostan.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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