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10 April 2009, 16:12

Micro-satellite, made by students of USATU, will be launched in orbit

“Our satellite will be launched from the cosmodrome “BAIKONUR”. We haven’t yet determined the final date but it will presumably happen this summer” – the head of USATU chair “Telecommunication systems”, doctor of technical sciences, Professor and scientific advisor of the project Albert Sultanov reports.
The works on designing of small satellites run at Ufa State Aviation Technical University during five years. There were several ready-made projects but the University failed to make those projects a reality because of shortage of financing. In spring 2007 USATU has won the 600 millionth rubles grant within the frames of the national project “Education”. According to the terms of the contest the money had to be spent only for scientific and training activity. The University has got the chance to manufacture real space satellite. The overall estimate of the project is 150 million rubles.
As Albert Sultanov explained, the main mission of their satellite is the educational one first of all.
“The satellite will be used for training of our students first of all and for that we installed rather slow transmitter on the machine. Thanks to it the students will be able to make laboratory works on radio communication. Besides, special radio-lock is installed on the satellite. The lock provides satellite control irrespective of its position in the orbit. The satellite flies over Bashkortostan just for 20 minutes and further it moves beyond radio visibility of Ufa. While the satellite is located on the western part of the hemisphere we have to know what happens and for that the satellite transfers the information to the group of mobile communication “Global Star” satellites, flying nearby. All information will be transferred to the MCC of the University for scientific processing and systematization. Here the future specialists of different directions will study information technologies, telecommunications, monitoring systems etc. Third, the optic-electronic system for distant sounding will be installed on board and this system can be widely used in national economy. The camera of multi-channel monitoring with 50-meter resolution will be able to monitor water and forest resources, to predict floods etc”.
Albert Sultanov reports they intend to design one more micro-satellite, called “Bashkortostan”. It will be used in national economy.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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