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24 March 2009, 15:23

“Friendship Round Dance” to take place in Tuimazy

Open Republican children’s choreography festival “Friendship Round Dance” will be held in the town of Tuimazy on March 25-28 and 500 young dancers and 29 groups, presenting towns and regions of Bashkortostan plus Tyumen region and Republic of Kazakhstan, will take part in it. Republican Folk Art Center choreography specialist Rafis Khairullin reports the show will be held on the base of Tuimazy Culture Palace “RODINA”. The festival will be solemnly opened there on March 26. The jury will be headed by experienced choreographer and pedagogue Elena Schegoleva (Moscow). She was the jury chairman at the first festival “Friendship Round Dance” in the same town in 2007. That time the festival was devoted to the 450th anniversary of Bashkiria free-will joining the staff of Russia. The festival is organized by Ministry of culture and national politics RB jointly with the Republican Folk Art center and Tuimazy administration.
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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