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19 March 2009, 15:54

30130 people will pass Unified State Exam in Bashkortostan in 2009

The expected number of the participants of the Unified State exam in 2009 in Republic of Bashkortostan is equal to 30130 people. According to information of Ministry of education RB 30130 claims for passing Russian language and 29783 claims for passing mathematics are received for today.
The list of the most popular subjects in 2009 includes social science (12674 claims), physics (9623), biology (6523) and history (5828). Chemistry and information science go further - about 4500 people have chosen these subjects. English language collected 2186 claims, geography and literature – more than 1600 pupils. The least number of claims is received on German (127) and French (17) languages. Spanish language has appeared the least demanded in the Republic – no persons, whishing to pass it have been found.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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