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17 March 2009, 10:25

Teachers of Bashkir language and literature are preparing for professional contest

Slightly more than one week is left till the beginning of the interregional contest “Teacher of the year of Bashkir language and literature-2009”. The contest will be held in the town of Sibay on March 25-27. The pedagogues will compete for the rank of the best teacher in the 14th time. About 60 teachers will participate in the competition-2009, including representatives of Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regions. Every participant has already won regional and city stages. Ministry of education RB reports the goal of the contest is revealing, support and encouragement of talented teachers of Bashkir language, working in the Republic as well as beyond and popularization of progressive ideas in sphere of education.
Participants of the competition have to overcome two stages: the first stage is testing in pedagogics, psychology, Bashkir literature, Bashkir language and literature teaching methods and the final creative task. The second stage represents master-classes. According to the results of these two stages the jury will announce five best teachers-laureates but only one will become the very best. The main prize for the best teacher is a money prize, established by President RB.
Author:Elmira Sabirova
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