Vladimir Putin awarded honorary titles and awards to residents of Bashkortostan. The corresponding decree was published for legal information on the Russian Federation's official Internet portal.
According to the document, Dmitry Gromenko and Yulia Gromenko were awarded the Order of Parental Glory medal.
Nail Shaimardanov, head of the Bashkir Song Ensemble of the Ufa Children's Philharmonic, received the medal "For Work in Culture and Art."
Rafael Mukhametshin, the senior forest master of the Ulu-Telyak forestry company Iglinsky Forestry, was awarded the honorary title "Honored Forester of the Russian Federation."
The Supreme Mufti, Talgat Tadzhuddin, Chairman of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, and Rail Fakhretdinov, General Director of the Plastic Products Plant "Alternativa," received the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation.
Author: Sergey Nikolaev