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26 February , 13:37

Radiy Khabirov signed decree on program "Heroes of Bashkortostan"

On February 24, a personnel project for participants of the SMO "Heroes of Bashkortostan" was launched in Bashkiria. The Head of the Republic, Radiy Khabirov, signed the decree implementing the program.

The document approved the regulations on the program and the composition of the Public Council of the program "Heroes of Bashkortostan." It included the head of the region Radiy Khabirov as the Chairman of the Council; acting Chief of Staff of the Head of Bashkortostan Azat Badranov, as deputy chairman; Chairman of the Association of SMO Veterans in the Republic of Bashkortostan Oskar Sitdikov, as secretary, as well as Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Bashkortostan Daniyar Abdrakhmanov, editor of the BST TV channel Ilyas Batyrgariev, Heroes of Russia Stepan Belov, Sergey Tulin, Boris Dudko, Military Commissar of Bashkortostan Mikhail Blazhevich, Head of the Russian Guard Department for the Republic of Bashkortostan Alexander Burdo, Deputies of the State Assembly of the Republic of Bashkortostan Artur Galeev and Viktor Guryev, Head of the Administration of the Kuyurgazinsky District Yulai Ilyasov, Head of the Regional Branch of the State Fund "Defenders of the Fatherland" Gulnur Kulsarina, Deputy of the Ishimbay City Council Rinat Kultumanov, Chairman of the Council of the Branch of the Russian Historical Society in the Republic of Bashkortostan Marat Mardanov, Head of the Committee of Families of Soldiers of the Fatherland of the Republic of Bashkortostan Elvira Matskevich, Director of the Cadet Corps Alexander Medvedev, Chairman of the Naval Assembly of the Republic of Bashkortostan Yulai Muratov, Rector of the Holy Panteleimon Church in Ufa Father Viktor, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan Aleksandr Pryadko, head of the Russian Historical Society of the Republic of Bashkortostan Ramil Rakhimov, commentator of the BST TV channel Azat Sadryev, director of the Ufa boarding school with initial flight training Fanil Sultangulov, imam-akhund of Zauralye Hamza Hazrat, director of the Republican Center for Volunteer Movement and Support of Youth Initiatives Nikita Khrulyov, deputy chairman of the State Assembly of the Republic of Bashkortostan Salavat Khusainov, deputy commander of the motorized rifle regiment "Bashkortostan" Rustem Shagabutdinov, head of the republican branch of the All-Russian public organization of veterans "Combat Brotherhood" Albert Shagimuratov, deputy commander of the company of the Bashkir volunteer battalion Aidar Shayakhmetov and editor-in-chief of the Bashinform News Agency Ruslan Sharafutdinov. Let us recall that the goal of the Heroes of Bashkortostan program is to prepare a new generation of managers from among the service members of the SMO. Anyone who took part or is taking part in a special operation and has a secondary vocational or higher education can apply for participation in the project.

To become a participant, you need to register on the website героибашкортостана.рф, fill out a questionnaire, write an essay, pass an online test and an interview. After that, advanced training courses will open.

Those with the highest results can undergo training in professional retraining programs and receive job offers.

Author: Alfiya Agliullina

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