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16 August , 15:34

Residents are being informed about Head of Republic elections in Bashkiria

In Bashkiria, from August 19, targeted information and notification of voters will begin about a single voting day, within the framework of which the elections of the Head of the Republic and the deputy of the State Assembly of the region in the Ufa single-mandate constituency No. 54 will be held, as well as over 200 election campaigns to local government bodies.

Door-to-door canvassing will last until August 28. According to Azat Galimkhanov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Bashkiria, members of the PEC will tell residents how to find their polling station, help them vote at home, and present the possibilities of Mobile Voter technology.

"The PEC employee will not ask about your data regarding bank accounts, passwords for State Services, e-mail, or accounts. In addition, each canvasser is required to present an identity card with a photo and printed materials with information about the elections. The event will generally be in the same format as the Russian presidential elections, but without a mobile application - this will simplify communication," Galimkhanov commented.

Recall that the Unified Voting Day will be held in Bashkiria on September 6, 7, and 8. The official list of candidates for the head of the republic includes Radiy Khabirov, Ivan Sukharev, Vladimir Nagorny, Artur Shainurov, and Ilshat Timeryanov. Read more about their programs in the Bashinform article.

Author: Ivan Vavilov

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