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5 July , 17:48

Bashkiria submitted to State Duma bill developed after terrorist attack in Crocus

The State Assembly - Kurultai of Bashkiria and State Duma deputy Dinar Gilmutdinov introduced a draft federal law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation to ensure public safety” to the lower house of the federal parliament.

“The bill is aimed at improving the quality of security services. It is designed to strengthen anti-terrorism protection in crowded places, critical life support facilities, and other places that could potentially become the target of criminal attacks. We propose changing the contract system to procure goods and services. In some cases, federal legislation provides for the possibility of purchasing from a single supplier. We propose to include in such cases the purchase of goods, works, and services for the protection of property, life, and health of people, including the purchase of a system for monitoring and managing access to protected facilities and services for ensuring access control. At the same time, the customer must justify the contract price under the Federal Law on the Contract System in the Field of Procurement and include this justification in the contract,” said Chairman of the State Council of the Republic Konstantin Tolkachev.

The bill was developed following the recommendations of a round table on anti-terrorist protection and fire safety of facilities with large numbers of people, which was held in the State Assembly of the Republic after the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall.

“The security of facilities where thousands of people can be present at the same time or on which, for example, the life of an entire city depends, should be carried out by professionals with the necessary experience, capabilities, and technical means. Today, the procurement of services and security systems is carried out according to the principle that “the cheaper, the better.” The tenders are won by those who offer cheaper services and outdated equipment. Security companies with the necessary competencies and firearms cannot win tenders due to the higher cost of services. With the law's adoption, the priority when purchasing security services and systems will be quality and efficiency rather than low price. This will positively impact public safety,” the regional parliament believes.

According to the press service of the State Assembly of the Republic, the bill has been sent to the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy.

Author: Alfiya Agliullina

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