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15 May , 10:37

Radiy Khabirov met with future teachers

On May 14, the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov, on the territory of the military-patriotic park “Patriot”, met with final year students of pedagogical specialties of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University and the Ufa University of Science and Technology as part of the Meeting of future teachers “I am a teacher of the future” "

The head of the republic noted the shortage of teachers. Most of all, the republic's schools lack mathematics and natural sciences teachers. In addition to teachers of these fields, the republic also greatly needs teachers of Russian language and literature, foreign languages, and primary schools.

“This problem is typical for our entire country. We don't have enough teachers in rural schools and small towns. To solve this problem, we developed the “Rural Teacher” program and increased the number of annual grants for young rural teachers to 690 thousand rubles. Now, 150 young specialists will receive them. Unfortunately, you will not have time to live on the campus we are building. I believe that within two, maximum three years, we will build a campus with more than 4 thousand places,” said Radiy Khabirov.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, 37,187 teaching staff, including 31,933 teachers, worked in the republic's general educational organizations.

To increase the prestige of the teaching profession and attract young teachers to teaching work as a teacher, the following measures to support teachers are being implemented in the republic:

- grants for young teachers working in rural areas under the age of 35 - in the amount of 690 thousand rubles each (150 grants);

- grants for 40 thousand rubles each are awarded once every two years on a competitive basis to the 25 best young teachers under the age of 30;

- bonuses of 200 thousand rubles are annually awarded to the best teachers for achievements in teaching.

Author: Azat Gizzatullin

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