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21 February , 17:36

State Duma deputies will meet with voters more often

The State Duma adopted changes to the regulations, according to which deputies will have to meet with their voters at least once a month. Before this, the rule was that such meetings should be held at least once every six months, the State Duma press service clarified.

In addition, it is prescribed that a State Duma deputy personally receives voters at least once every two months.

“It is obvious that meetings with voters once every six months are not enough to keep abreast of all the issues and problems that concern citizens. Deputies are in the regions monthly for a week following the State Duma work schedule. Everyone has the opportunity to meet with voters every month to stay informed about issues and help people. This will positively impact all work,” said State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin earlier.

Author: Veronika Nikitina

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